Monday, August 15, 2011

bigger picture

Be thankful in all circumstances.  What does that really mean to this strong-willed, middle child who seeks to find peace in the knowing?  It means be thankful.  That is it.  Be thankful without knowing why.  Be thankful even though you may never know why.  Be thankful without a promise of comfort.  Be thankful in pain and mystery and no explanation.  I am learning to trust my Shepherd but some lessons come harder.  They are taught to us over and over again because they are that important.

But then there are days like today when God gives me small glimpses into a bigger picture.  He asks me to say thank you and then shows me why I should always be thankful.  I am not entitled to His explanation.  He could go the rest of my life just lighting up the step right before me and still be worthy of all my praise because by His grace He has saved me.  Some days though He chooses to let me in.  He chooses to show me that there really is NO REASON to grumble and complain.  There is no real peace in the knowing but rather just anxiety.  Peace is only found in the Lord.   He is sovereign over every moment, every breath.  His will for me is only that I thank him for it.  He does the rest.

This morning my Love forgot his personal cell phone AND his work cell phone at home.  Because his commute is longer these days, I knew he wouldn't be coming back for them.  He was planning to be out of the office (away from his land line there as well) all day and into the night.

Blah, blah, blah...the day went on.  Then a phone call on my cell in the evening.  A friend needed me to make an important call to someone else on her behalf.  When I hung up, I immediately reached for my Love's cell to retrieve the other person's contact info. Thank you Lord for forgotten cell phones.  

Another friend called me and said she was in our neck of the woods for the day and would like to stop by later to pick up something.  The kids napped.  I started making a big bowl of taco salad for dinner.  My Love and KB were planning to work late.  I served up the kids' plates as we sat down at the table and the door bell ring (slightly after I was expecting our visitor).  But you know what?  We had tons of food and reasons to catch up, so my single friend pulled up a chair and joined us for a quick, casual meal before she was on the road again.  Thank you Lord for a drop-in friend who arrived in your perfect timing and for providing plenty of food for anyone who needs it.

See what I mean?  This day was full of even more random happenings that actually felt masterfully orchestrated.  I choose to be thankful in all circumstances.  In the days when he shows me why, and in the stories of my life with no explanation.

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