Monday, December 19, 2011

a word and other words

Yesterday we decided to take a Sunday morning road trip and drove to our old church so we could see our "family". Brother had been talking about his old teachers recently and how much they missed him ;). It has been two months since we moved here and it seemed like time for a return visit.

I sat down in the third row waiting for the service to begin. J walked in with his seeing-eye dog to his normal front seat. After sitting for a minute or so he got up and start wandering back a couple rows and settled in the chair next to me. I told him who it was and he went on to chat and heckle his way through the worship time and morning announcements. He made me laugh. The sermon was great and of course spoke right to my heart. We miss everything about being there. After the service was over, J started talking to me right away. "God gave me a word for you. Do you have some time?" Um. What do I say to that? I mean, it is not like I could just walk away. I am not sure this has ever happened before. Yes, friends and loved ones have shared verses and encouraging words seemingly out of the blue but in God's perfect timing. But this guy doesn't even really know me. It this isn't exactly the kind of thing that happens at our non-denominational church. I brought his family a meal after his wife had their baby. I passed on some of Bundle Boy's baby clothes to them. I chatted in the hallway with J once last year before the Christmas breakfast. I know his wife better, but really until the pastor came down to talk to us after the service and asked how we (my Love and I) were doing in our new place, J didn't even realize we had moved. Not that we would expect him too. I was intrigued by his statement though. What does a random word from the Lord sound like? I asked him if this happened to him often. It didn't.

He went on to share some interesting things. Not like a prophesy. Just thoughts that must have come to mind while he sat next to me. Thoughts that he didn't feel like he could walk away without sharing. He felt like I was carrying some heavy burdens and that I needed to give them to the Lord. That the months ahead should be spent really getting to know the Lord as my best friend (can you say abiding, anyone?). He asked if he could pray for me and then went on to lift up some sweet concerns on my behalf.

Now what? I didn't know if I should tell him what was on the horizon for our family or if I should just say thank you and walk away. I decided to share briefly. I told him we were preparing to begin foster parenting in the spring and that God had already been telling me that I needed to learn how to really abide in him. That perhaps fears were creeping into my thoughts and I need to surrender all that to him.

J's response? "No, that's not it."

I burst into laughter out loud.

I guess he thought my "burdens" were something else. He has a funny personality so I just take what he shared from the heart and choose not to be concerned with what he thought God was trying to tell him about me. He said he would pray for us whenever God brought us to mind in the future.

This morning I opened up my God Calling devotional before reading in God's Word and saw this:

"Our Lord, give us that Perfect Love of Thee that casts out all fear."

Really Lord? I am not afraid!!!!!

It went on to read...

"Never let yourselves fear anybody or anything. No fear of My failing you. No fear that your faith will fail you. No fear of poverty or loneliness. No fear of not knowing the way. No fear of others. No fear of their misunderstanding. But, My children, this absolute casting out of fear is the result of Perfect Love, a perfect Love of Me and My Father. Speak to Me about everything. Listen to Me at all times. Feel My tender nearness, substituting at once some thought of Me for the fear. The powers of evil watch you as a besieging force would watch a guarded city--the object being always to find some weak spot, attack that, and so gain an entrance. So evil lurks around you, and seeks to surprise you in some fear. The fear may be a small one, but it affords evil a weak spot of attack and entrance, and then in come rushing despondency, doubt of Me, and so many other sins. Pray, My beloved children, for that Perfect Love of Me that indeed casts out all fear." -December 19

We are experiencing some spiritual warfare around here. The evening "conversation" I had with My Love was anything but encouraging. The enemy is looking for any way possible to cripple us so we are incapable of being used by God.

I opened up Ephesians next and read this...

Eph. 4:

(17) With the Lord's authority let me [Paul] say this: Live no longer as the ungodly do, for they are hopelessly confused.
(22) throw off your old evil nature and your former way of life, which is rotten through and through, full of lust and deception.
(23) Instead, there must be a spiritual renewal of your thoughts and attitudes.
(24) You must display a new nature because you are a new person, created in God's likeness--righteous, holy, and true.
(26) And don't sin by letting anger gain control over you. Don't let the sun go down while you are still angry,
(27) for anger gives a mighty foothold to the Devil.
(29) Don't use foul or abusive language (sidebar: oh yes I did!). Let everything you say be good and helpful, so that your words will be an encouragement to those who hear them.
(31) Get rid of all bitterness, rage, anger, harsh words, and slander, as well as all types of malicious behavior.
(32) Instead, be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you.

It is 7:25am. Bundle Brother is sitting next to me on the couch listening to his Disney mereader that was a gift from KB. I have not eaten breakfast yet but I have been fed. Today I choose to start my day chewing on God's word.

Don't worry. We didn't let the sun go down on our anger and are thankful His mercies are new every morning.  If you haven't been in God's word yet, what are you relying on to nourish you today?

Now it is 7:30am. Time for breakfast. ;) Hey, a girl still has to eat.


Mom RS said...

Aw...the peace that passes understanding and the love that surpasses all when we give Him our all. Today, as you, I will grasp His hand, feel His touch and Praise His Name! Thank you for sharing Honey. Don't you look forward to a life with such a Caretaker? I do. Have a blessed day in the Lord. You have blessed mine.

Persicke Family said...

I am always so blessed when God uses people to speak into our lives and "open our ears" to hear what God has to say. It is especially neat when He uses people we hardly know! I just LOVE that about God!

AuntieBee said...

I have to say, when I started reading your blog today I began to wheep! One thing that touched my life in my many, many days strayed from my Heavenly Father was a random one-time visit to a church in Clovis. I had no idea why I was there and knew I would never go there again, but for some reason I was guided there that morning. One many who was sitting in front of me turned around after service and asked if he could share a verse with me. One he felt God put on his heart. He began by telling me that he knew I would not be coming back and that he could see in my eyes that my heart was burdened. (Of course the tears were already flowing by this point). He shared Hebrews 13:5 and Joshua 1:5 (...I will never leave you nor forsake you).
I could not stop crying. I felt like they knew everything about me and I didn't even have to say a single word to them. They prayed for me, hugged me and loved me! I never went to that church again nor saw any of their beautiful faces.
But I guarantee that to this day, when I close my eyes, I can still see their faces and feel their warm hearts.
My story is not completely like yours but the point of it is that those this happened 3 years ago, I still wake up every day and my Father reminds me of His love thru this verse. It is a promise that He made to me in such a way that I would always remember.
Maybe J was used by God yesterday to make an impact God wanted you to remember for the rest of your life.
In reading your blogs, God has blessed my life in more ways than I can express. We have watched you through lessons and trials and defeats! Hold on girl because God has quite the life still ahead!
We are always praying for your faimly over here. I can't wait to some day be closer to my beloved sister! I love you so much Alexis. Thank you for being a pie server that God made you to be. :D

Chelsea said...

I feel that we are on the same path right now. I am being spoke to by our Father in ways that are amazingly simmilar. You are in my prayers every morning as we trudge through the same devotional, together but apart.

Loving you so much today and every day.

AML said...

Bee- I have always loved that story from your testimony. Thanks for sharing here do others could be blessed by reading it. Love you.