Sunday, March 20, 2011


'The root word of eucharisteo is charis, meaning "grace."  Jesus took the bread and saw it as grace and gave thanks.  He took the bread and knew it to be gift and gave thanks.  

But there is more, and I read it.  Eucharisteo, thanksgiving, envelopes the Greek word for grace, charis.  But it also holds its derivative, the Greek word chara, meaning "joy."
Deep chara joy is found only at the table of the euCHARisteo--the table of thanksgiving.
Charis.  Grace.
Eucharisteo.  Thanksgiving.
Chara.  Joy.
Grace, thanksgiving, joy.  Eucharisteo.
A Greek word...that might make meaning of everything?"

-excerpt from One Thousand Gifts, pgs. 32-33


Persicke Family said...

I love this blog!

AuntieBee said...

Beautiful. i'm so excited to start reading this book.